
Sunday, February 28, 2021

February 28, 2021

Now that I have made it through my first week of treatments, and week one of chemo, seemed like a good time for an update. Week one of radiotherapy consisted of 5 days of treatment over at the cancer center, once every day for five days, along with the chemo pill at night times. The ladies over there are super nice and the procedure goes by pretty quickly, like 10 minutes. Takes longer to get there and back than the treatment takes. I've even met a couple of regulars like me out in the waiting room, must be scheduled at the same times. Everyone I've spoke to is pretty nice, for a bunch of guys with cancer!

I had some bad news from Friday, our poor dog has been sick for a few weeks. We took him back to the vet because his insides were swollen. They told us it was water building up around his insides and it wasn't good. It was likely either cancer or congestive heart failure... He's been giving us those eyes for awhile now, letting us know something wasn't right. So after some careful consideration we chose to have him euthanized, one of the hardest decisions of my life honestly. We've had him since he was 7 weeks old and has barely left my wife's side, he was nearly 14 years old. I was at work a fair amount of the time, but also my best friend! He was really a great dog!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your best friend. It is always had to lose a family member. I am glad to hear everything else is going good for you.


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