
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021

Man a lot has happened since my last update. After going to bed...quite frankly livid...not sleeping much...and then getting a call from my radiologist in the next morning, I had another seizure while on the phone with him. He said it was most likely stress induced, given all the things that had happened leading up to that point. Thankfully my wife didn't send me to the hospital, she just kept me sitting upright and leading me back home I's truly a weird feeling waking up from a seizure. I remember looking at the clock over and over, trying to understand what had happened...words coming back slowly while my wife calmly keeps asking me if I'm ok. The doctor wasn't exactly happy it didn't sound like, he wanted to call an ambulance, but my wife told him there's nothing they can do for him, he will be awake before they get here. He just asked that she keep and eye on my vitals. 

After all that, my treatments were postponed until Monday, and my wife explained...for me since that's the part wear I slipped into the seizure...that I wanted treatments weather the Temozolomide showed up or not. Fortunately, the Temozolomide showed up Monday afternoon, immediately after my treatments. I took one of those Monday night, which brings me to today. I went in for my treatments, and came home to a weird feeling in my stomach, felt like I ate something radioactive...hard to describe really...not really upset, just off...Experienced a range of emotions for a brief little bit, while trying to talk to my wife about the feeling, guess that's kinda part of it. In any case I'm feeling a lot better now!

1 comment:

  1. You're in my thoughts as you all break through all the obstacles in this chapter. You're a strong man and you have a very strong support system to stand by you and the families side. ❤️ Hugs


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