
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

February 17, 2021

Ok, so today I was supposed to go get some info on my new medication, Temozolomide. Which would have been great except that the medication hasn't been delivered to my address, nor shipped to the pharmacy. Along with that, I got a phone call from the provider at about 30 minutes before my appointment to let me know there would be a +$4,000 copay for that medication. Which is obviously great since I'm supposed to be starting treatments tomorrow at 10:40 am and am supposed to have this medication already. The company also said, hey we can't ship this to you until you pay... I'm like well, you now I've already paid my out of pocket maximum and they said, sorry we can't see that, you have to pay or call this other number who prescribed your medication. Long story wife and I have been on the phone all day and have gotten absolutely no where. Anthem says it takes 45 days to clear...but surprisingly they expect payments in less than 30...gee whiz fellows, how does that work. When I log into Anthem on my phone, it clearly says everything is paid, but Anthem says no it takes 45 days...I've never seen a company that updates my phone app before they update their stuff. 

In any case, we go in tomorrow to see what the medical doctor has to say, and then to find out what radiotherapy has to say. I sure would like to have the radiotherapy guy say sure lets get you started while we wait, but I about grantee that's not going to happen. So here I am, five weeks out from surgery and I still can't get my therapy going. I'm super disappointed in this drug delivery company for waiting until the day before I needed the medication to call me about the copay...super disappointed in my medical doctor for not saying hey by the way this medication is going to be expensive...and super disappointed in his nurses for also not mentioning this situation to me...

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