
Thursday, February 11, 2021

February 11, 2021

I started back to work this week. Things have went pretty good so far. I've managed to stay fairly busy and keep things on track given my work from home position. I'm glad that this is working out, I really needed something to do, as sitting around the house was getting super old. I think I've watched all there is on Netflix and working through Prime video pretty quickly, lol. Now with a bit of work to do to stay busy, I think it's going to work out fine.

I'm still waiting on my treatments to start up next week. I'm sure hoping that goes smoothly with nothing more than some fatigue to deal with and a bunch of pills. I'm thinking the radiotherapy will go pretty smoothly just like the Dr. told me, but the chemo I'm a little concerned about. We shall see how it goes, I will check in soon!

1 comment:

  1. Jerry, Not sure why i am only just getting to hear of all your trials and tribulations. I think I am about caught up after reading on here. I know i am one of many wishing you all good things. Chris Gilpin


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