

It's November, 2020, what a ride... The year started with the acquittal of Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Since then, we have been living under the specter of COVID-19, it's been eight months.  You're living through that, I won't get into it... Schools closed in the spring and the kiddos went to virtual learning for the first time. Research at the facility where I work shut down for weeks. Joe Biden has won the election, or at least it appears that way, and schools just closed down again. 

I really shouldn't complain, fortune has smiled on me in this pandemic. Unlike so many others, I remain employed and working mostly from home, which has always been the dream. The extra flexibility has allowed me to complete a lot of projects, both personal and professional. Which is great, but we are headed into the long dark winter as they are calling it, and I my project list feels a little light. Which brings me to this blog, and why I decided to start something like this.

The intent of this blog is to help me organize and record my thoughts and ideas. Prioritize, set goals, and document the plans and achievements made in reaching them. Be a platform for sharing achievements with others and a record of the journey. This is my first blog and first post, if you are reading this, welcome to the Shepard experience!

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