
Monday, January 25, 2021

January 25, 2021

After a fairly massive headache yesterday, I managed to get some work done on my 3D printer. So I managed to get my parts installed and updated for today. I also managed to get some other 3D printer stuff together for the day as well. The major parts that I was able to install include the dual axle printer head. This printer head should be capable of printing some flexible filament as well as normal PLA and ABS. So that's the big news for today, should be able to get some flexible filament, next step, buy some flexible filament. 

The other components that I was able to install include reverting back to 3D printer stepper mounts. These include the stepper motor mounts required for the "normal" operation mode. I had converted these back in the day to try to decrease the amount of movement generated by the steppers. The restored system is noisy, but will suffice just the same and leave me in a better position for the flexible filament. 

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