
Saturday, January 9, 2021

January 8, 2021

Today has been super busy getting a few work things taken care of, picking up curb side groceries, packing food items, and packing bags! We are almost ready to depart for Rochester. Tomorrow morning, we pick up the car at 9 am just a couple miles up the road, then bring it home, pack it up and hit the road. All this activity makes me feel like I'm heading on vacation making it easy to forget where we are really headed. I'm sure the reality of it all will hit on Monday when reporting for my fMRI, but until then....Road Trip!!

Since my dear friend Bill has volunteered to let us use his i-pass for the toll roads, we will certainly take the shortest route to Rochester which is awesome as it cuts about an hour off the trip! Thank you so much Bill, you sir are awesome! This route takes us through Madison where I'm hoping to find a cheese shop to stop at for some tasty Wisconsin treats! It is hard to beat some salty cheese curds when you don't get these treats very often, and here in Indiana, we are not known for our cheese all. With a little luck maybe they will also have some peppery meat sticks...venison would be awesome but I'll settle for some beef. This route will also swing us by Wisconsin Dells, a place I've not seen since I was a young man. It will just be a quick drive by looking from the interstate, but should be interesting to see how much that place has changed over the last 20 years.

I feel bad since we have to travel tomorrow, it is my wife's birthday, and I'm not allowed to drive. That puts her behind the wheel all day long. So I am going to do my best to keep us pointed in the right direction as navigator and keep her entertained as we make our way to Rochester. My little one will be in the back seat, so maybe I can get some help with the entertainment. Seven hours is a long time behind the wheel, and my wife has heard all my jokes...I'll do my best. My daughter is looking forward to the swimming pool! They have indoor slides and things at this hotel, so it should be pretty awesome after the virtual school work is done. I called the hotel to check on the pool status just to make is currently closed, BUT, they are pretty sure it is opening up on Monday as long as the state allows it. With us staying all week, that will work out ok...hopefully! It would make me feel better knowing she has something to do besides sit around and worry about Dad. 

Step one to surgery is complete, hair shaved down to a zero guard!

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