
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

January 5, 2021

This has been a great day! I received several inspirational messages today from a couple of friends that I work with now or have worked with in the recent past. I really needed these messages today and truly appreciate you sharing these personal stories with me. It is always a welcome reminder that I am not the first to travel these roads, and certainly wont be the last. Others have faced life's painful roads and walked away with more strength, determination, and a renewed appreciation for the positive side of life. I feel, in many ways, obligated to do the same. To see past life's ugly spots, and admire the wonders that surround me every day. To take notice of the things that I have taken for granted for so long. 

Today I am five days away from travel to Rochester, and about a week away from surgery. The nervousness is fading today, being replaced by curiosity. I am amazed that a surgeon can open my skull, remove a tumor, and put me back together again and the risk of death is less than 1%. Even more amazing is the fact that they can do all of that while I am awake and being asked questions to avoid critical portions of my brain. My wife thinks it's weird, but I kind of want to ask the doctor for pictures and maybe a video...I assume they do that already as part of the that weird to want a copy?  

I can't go without mentioning my amazing wife!. She has totally taken control of this trip, planned the meals, and figured out how to make it all work in such short notice. She is planning to cook chicken and noodles while we drive to Minnesota...I would not have thought of that. She is doing everything to keep me safe from this pandemic we are all suffering under and she is doing it with the best of attitudes. Along with everything she is doing for me, she is still supporting her own business, helping busy people walk and groom their dogs. I'm sure she is getting exhausted, and I'm trying to do my part to help distracts me from the stress anyway. I couldn't ask for a better partner at my side to travel down this road. To my wife, if you are reading this, thank you, you are truly amazing and I love you more than my words can describe!


  1. You're a strong man! Please know that you are in my thoughts (as well as the family) as you take this journey. Journey, one of those words I am fond of. That's what life is, a journey. Bad or good, the journey we take leads us to yet another. There's always an obstacle that will try to stop our goals, achievement's or ifs, who's, and what's. Positive thoughts for your journey and remember, I will always be here for any of you. I love you all! Hugs!

  2. Thank you Yvonne! This is just a bump in the road. I'm confident we'll get through this journey happy and healthy! We love you too!


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