
Friday, January 15, 2021

January 15, 2021

All, I am happy to be reporting in from Rochester! Today is a great day for recovery, and for all things to reflect upon. I am so happy to be done with this surgery, and looking forward to radiotherapy! I am hoping that it doesn't make me too ill. That will be followed up with a chemotherapy that will be taken in pill form, and I don't expect that to make me too ill at all. That pill form of chemotherapy should make me ready to handle the world around me again, if not already capable of doing that. So once again, I am ready to face this world head on...after some much needed down time.

It is a great day here, it is snowing outside and I would love to go enjoy it, but I cannot do that. I will just have to see from outside my window. I want to go down and roll in it like a little kid...but cannot do that, dang it. In any case it is beautiful, and I love watching it fall down to the ground. I don't look forward to traveling back home tomorrow, although it will be a nice sight to see family and all my Birck family once again!

I will be happy to be heading home, believe it or not, tomorrow morning. It will be healthy and happy to get home for awhile. In some ways it will be more important to me to get home and see everyone rather than stay up here and enjoy the snow. I hope everyone will be as happy to see me, as I will of them even after the full two weeks is up. I look forward to seeing you all when I get back to town!

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