
Monday, December 28, 2020

December 28, 2020

Good evening all, it's been a little over a week since my last update on the brain mass situation. Not much has changed with respect to the diagnosis, but I am overjoyed by the outreach of support from my friends, family and coworkers. I never realized how many people care about me so much and are hoping and praying for me every day. It is truly an inspiration that I will use as fuel to keep fighting with everything I've got.

Physically I have felt good all week. No signs of seizure or headaches, it is almost like there is nothing wrong with me at all. I continue to remain positive and immediately climb out of that pit when I feel the emotions overwhelming me. Mind you, I'm not ignoring this situation, just finding constructive ways of dealing with the facts we know and those we don't, which are honestly more stressful. The best medicine so far has been warm hugs from my loving wife.

This blog continues to be a great outlet for me mentally and it would seem that others find it helpful also. Whether it is to stay informed of my situation or maybe even find inspiration in my positivity. After all, I'm not the only one with problems. There is no help in losing ourselves to despair. Some of the best advice I've seen so far is super simple. When the weight of life becomes overwhelming, simply take it in smaller steps. When the dishes need done, do the dishes... When dinner needs made, make dinner... So on and so on until you can face the future with strength and vigor once again! No one ever said we have to have our entire lives planned out, and as I have recently learned, life is far to unpredictable for that anyway. 

My advice, take more time to hug your loved ones, take more time to talk with them and to encourage them to be their best selves. Take the time to listen to people, especially when they are struggling with whatever their problems may be, they will appreciate it more than you know. Take the time to teach people, those things are your legacy when you're gone, whether it's tomorrow or 50 years from now. When I was reminded that I won't live forever, I dug deep and found the people matter the most, something that is far too easy to forget as we toil away in our own lives. 

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