
Thursday, April 8, 2021

April 8, 2021

Wow! Today marks the last day of treatments, and end to six weeks plus of traveling to the oncologist! Doing weekly Dr. appointments, labs, and current day with the doctor, been a pretty crazy experience. Not to mention the week of hospitalization in between. I have another doctor appointment tomorrow with a neurologist that I haven't met yet but I am relieved that I was able to get in so soon, as neurologist seem to be hard to find in town here. I'm hoping maybe he will let me off the Vimpat as it isn't covered by insurance, but I'm guessing he won't do that yet. The Keppra was working fine before the radiation was started, so maybe... Anyway, I also have another virtual meeting with a neurooncologist set up for Monday afternoon, with a guy from Optune therapy, a tumor treating field therapy. It works by sending a set of radio fields through my brain and interferes with the dividing Glioblastoma tumor cells which cause the tumor to rapidly regrow...I'm hoping it works! I also have another MRI set up for April 26th to double check on my tumor and make sure everything is stable and no recurrence. Then a virtual appointment with the surgeon on April 29 to review that information and make sure it's all ok!

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